Architectural Plans and Specification
- A.R. Smith Cabin
- Astor House
- Binghampton Federal Building & Courthouse
- Blanding Art & Conference Center
- Bloom House
- Boise United States Post Office & Courthouse
- Boulder Firehouse No. 2
- Buena Vista Courthouse
- Callahan’s
- Carnegie Library
- CB&Q Engine House Museum
- Central City Design Guidelines
- Central City Opera House
- Central City Opera House Association
- Cheyenne CLG Program
- Cheyenne Survey & Design Guidelines
- Clear Creek County Economic Study
- Coeur d’Alene Mine Building
- Colorado’s Main Street Experience
- Colorado Welcome Center
- A Comprehensive Plan For New Mexico’s Statewide Architectural Survey
- Comprehensive Plan for Silverthorne
- Cost Benefit Analysis of Legalized Gambling
- Cottonwood Ranch
- Dillon Courthouse Cleaning Analysis
- Durango Chamber of Commerce
- Durango Cultural & Performing Arts Complex
- Eklund Hotel
- El Pueblo Museum Site Master Plan
- Environmental Assessment — Old South Canon Neighborhood
- Ewing Barn
- Ewing Farm
- Fechin House Complex
- Fort Collins Historic Resources Preservation Program
- Fort Hays
- Fort Steele Powder Magazine
- Franklin Hotel
- Freemont, Elkhorn & Missouri Railroad Water Tower
- Gaming Impact Evaluation
- Gilpin County Courthouse
- Gilpin Hotel Casino
- Glenwood Springs Hydroelectric Plant
- The Golden Rose
- Highlandlake Church
- Historic District Design Guidelines - South Dakota
- Historic Hotels of the Rockies Association
- Hollenberg Pony Express Station
- Hornbek Homestead National Monument
- Hot Springs Bathhouses
- Hotel Roberts
- Housing Rehabilitation of a National Register Historic District
- Immigration & Naturalization Service Building - Washington
- Independent Order of Odd Fellows Hall
- Infrastructure Grants & Economic Development
- Izaac Walton Inn
- Kansas State Capital
- Kansas State Historic Sites Master Plans
- LBJ Ranch Texas White House
- Littleton Depot
- MacGregor Ranch
- Masonry Evaluation of the Kansas State Capitol
- McIlvoy House
- Montezuma Castle
- Out & About in Monterey County
- Peck House
- Project Case Study - Fort Lupton
- Rehabilitation of the Fort Meade Officers Quarters
- Saguache School
- Sante Fe Building Complex
- Scenic & Historic Byways Planning Workshop
- Section 106
- Sheridan Downtown Development Plan
- Sheridan Inn
- Skyland Ranch
- South Pass City
- South Pass Dance Hall
- The Stanley Hotel
- Sullivan Building
- Tabor Grand Hotel
- Teller County Planning
- The Trestles At Golden Spike National Historic Site
- Trinidad History Museum Master Plan
- U.S. Court House - Kansas
- U.S. Court House - Texas
- U.S. Custom House - Louisiana
- U.S. Custom House - New York
- U.S. Federal Office Building - Washington
- U.S. Post Office / Courthouse & Custom House Building - New York
- U.S. Post Office & Courthouse - Idaho
- U.S. Post Office & Courthouse - Indiana
- U.S. Post Office & Courthouse - Puerto Rico
- U.S. Post Office & Courthouse - Texas
- U.S. Post Office Building - Oregon
- Various Frisco Planning Projects
- Van Vleet Ranch
- Visitor Market Research Study
- Volcano House Hotel
- Western Massachusetts Visitor Center Study
- Wheatridge Historic Park Stabilization Plan
- Zapata Ranch