Gaming Impact Evaluation
Client: Town of Dartmouth
Site: Dartmouth, Massachusetts

Dartmouth is located in southeastern Massachusetts in close proximity to New Bedford, the site of the proposed gambling casino complex of the Wampanoag tribe. The Collaborative was retained to conduct a gaming impact study for the Town of Dartmouth. This evaluation had three components: a Market Analysis, an Impact Assessment, and an EIR/EIS/BIA document review. The market analysis assessed the total market for gaming in the area and described the percentage that a new casino complex might be able to capture. This took into account competing facilities and the development that would be needed to create the ideal complex to respond to this demand. This “ideal” complex was compared to the proposed Wampanoag facility to assess the differences. The market analysis evaluated population characteristics, location, travel times, and the percentage of the population likely to participate in gaming. The impact assessment, derived from the total market capture, presented the requirements for the following: number of slot machines, number of table games, number of employees, housing needs, hotel requirements, retail facilities, traffic and parking demand, water and sewer usage, solid waste requirements, crime, problem gamblers, and overall social impacts. The third component, a review of the EIR/EIS/BIA documents, allowed Dartmouth’s impact evaluation dollars to go further. This was done by having the consultants for the Wampanoag tribe perform the detailed base studies, project impacts, and define mitigation actions. With this approach, Dartmouth ensured an influence on the geographic scope and technical quality of the proponent’s environmental documentation. The Wampanoag document assured Dartmouth that appropriate and fair mitigation had been identified for project-related negative impact, and were mandated through the environmental review and approval process.