Environmental Assessment — Old South Canon Neighborhood
Client: City of Canon City
Site: Canon City, Colorado
Canon City, Colorado is situated on the north side of the Arkansas River that, once formed the boundary with Mexico. The Old South Canon Neighborhood, on the south side of the river, existed as a separate community for over 100 years. After its annexation to Canon City, the town decided to utilize HUD Small Cities federal funds to rehabilitate this neighborhood. The Collaborative was retained to evaluate individual structures for possible inclusion in a National Register Historic District, or for individual listings on the National Register. Most structures dated from 1870 to 1885. Results of the evaluations were compiled utilizing Section 106 requirements, as well as applicable executive orders. A history of the district and a structure- by-structure analysis of architectural elements were performed. The structures were then graded on a five-point basis, with those that contributed the most to the neighborhood rated as five. Once mapped, these historic resources were evaluated for their potential contribution to the overall historic district. The neighborhood was determined to be eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places, and is now so designated. Follow-up work included a series of paint analysis to determine appropriate color schemes, and provided general design guidelines for appropriate rehabilitation. Some specific designs for exterior details, such as porches, railings, and stairs were also provided. In a related project, the firm also provided architectural plans for small, low-cost infill housing that was architecturally compatible with the existing houses in the Old South Canon Neighborhood.