Various Frisco Planning Projects
Client: City of Frisco
Site: Frisco, Colorado

Frisco is a small Colorado mountain community with a seasonal economic tourism base. The City of Frisco wanted to expand their economy and develop a plan to increase revenues. The Collaborative was contracted to aid city leaders in the overall planning process. Through citizen participation process, a survey questionnaire followed by a series of town meetings led to the formation of a task force made-up of city residents. In a series of workshops, the Collaborative and the task force identified solutions to existing problems that were necessary for any new downtown development. The need for planning documents was identified, and the firm subsequently provided a land use master plan, parks and recreation master plan, downtown redevelopment plan, a summary of required ordinance revisions leading to a new zoning ordinance, an infrastructure evaluation with Nielson-Dragos Engineers, and a reconnaissance market analysis and preliminary economic development plan with Zuchelli, Hunter & Associates. In addition to the above documents, the firm organized a downtown design competition for the redevelopment of the downtown areas, which included infrastructure improvements, landscaping, basic design guidelines, signage, and lighting.