Fort Collins Historic Resources Preservation Program
Client: City of Fort Collins
Site: Fort Collins, Colorado

After several community conflicts occurred due to the proposed demolition of historic buildings, the Fort Collins City Council directed their Planning staff and Landmarks Preservation Commission to address this issue. They decided to develop a Historic Resources Preservation Program that would identify, prioritize, and systematically protect the community’s historic resources. The Collaborative was retained to develop this program.
Initiated by an in-depth evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the city’s existing historic preservation program, short-term and long-term action plans were developed with consideration given to several issues. These issues included the extent to which historic preservation is addressed as a goal in the city’s land use regulations and plans, the need for identification of historic resources and their contexts, and the degree of appreciation and knowledge of historic preservation in the community. A key aspect of the action plan was to emphasize a promotional and educational outreach effort to the community. This approach was chosen in order to heighten awareness and create support for historic preservation and help eliminate the kinds of conflicts that had previously occurred. Revisions to regulations, improvements in administrative procedures, as well as on-going identification of historic resources, and local designations were also recommendations of the plan.