Kansas State Historic Sites Master Plans
Client: Kansas State Historical Society
Site: Statewide

The Kansas State Historic Sites Master Plans were an unusual blend of historic preservation and economic development. The Master Plan combined a series of efforts aimed at preserving, and bringing to the public’s attention, the historic resources of 18 parks owned by the State of Kansas. These resources varied greatly in their state of deterioration, and in the intensity of use experienced. The sites ranged from major public attractions to sites that were closed to the public. The Collaborative prepared Historic Structure Reports for three major sites that were felt to require immediate attention. Less detailed Reconnaissance Historic Structure Reports were prepared by the Collaborative for the balance of these sites. The series of reports allowed for the preservation of each site as part of the state’s Master Plan. This Master Plan prioritized the projects and outlined the sequence of preservation efforts utilizing the following tools:
- A “First Order Stabilization Plan” required the arrest of deterioration that immediately threatened a building or site;
- The “Overall Stabilization Plan” addressed less immediately threatening deterioration;
- The Development Plan ensured the long-term survival of the historic resources, and at the same time, plans for the incorporation of each site into the statewide network of historic resources;
- An Interpretive Plan evaluated the best methods for informing the public about the significance of each individual site;
- A Special Events Plan determined the most effective ways to attract visitors to each individual site;
- The Public and Private Funding Plan suggested a variety of ways to pay for implementation of the Master Plan;
- The Statewide Heritage Tourism Marketing Plan outlined the economic opportunities presented by tourists.