Cheyenne Survey & Design Guidelines
Client: Cheyenne-Laramie County Regional Planning Office
Site: Cheyenne, Wyoming

Historic architectural surveys carried out in Cheyenne, Wyoming revealed two possible thematic historic districts. The Regional Planning Office hired the Collaborative and Hammer, Siler, George & Associates to complete intensive surveys of these two areas to determine their eligibility as historic districts. In addition, the newly formed Historic Preservation Board was preparing to designate local landmarks. The firm and Hammer, Siler, George & Associates held a workshop on designation criteria for the Board, so that the Board could determine which criteria they would use for designating Cheyenne’s landmarks and districts as historic. To support the Board in their decisions regarding alterations to designated buildings, the firm and Hammer, Siler, George & Associates prepared illustrated design guidelines, which they followed up with a workshop to demonstrate to the Board how they might use the design guidelines in their review process. The design guidelines that were developed were specifically aimed at informing property owners about important elements illustrated by their buildings. The guidelines were designed to provide positive and educational encouragement for appropriate alterations to historic buildings, rather than a regulatory tool for the Board.