The Golden Rose
Client: Cornerstone Partners
Site: Central City, Colorado

Located in the historic 19th-century mining community of Central City, Colorado the Golden Rose Hotel began its history as a series of commercial buildings dating from just after, an 1874 fire that destroyed most of the town. In the 1940s, the second floors of these buildings were joined to form the Chain O’Mines Hotel, an undetailed and unremarkable hotel, open sporadically until 1983. In 1983, the Chain O’Mines Hotel and the First National Bank Building were purchased by Cornerstone Partners from the Central City Opera House Association. The Chain O’Mines Hotel, the First National Bank Building, and the first floor commercial spaces of both were renovated into a first-class hotel, and renamed the Golden Rose Hotel, with shops and a gallery space. John Feinberg, owner of the Collaborative and one of two Cornerstone Partners, was the Principal-in-Charge of this project, and responsible for the historic building evaluation, historic material analyses, interior and exterior design, finish materials selection, and construction supervision. The Collaborative prepared a National Register of Historic Places nomination for these renovated buildings, and the Tax Act Certification for an Investment Tax Credit for Historic Rehabilitation. The hotel won the Architectural Award for Excellence from Wood, Inc. of Colorado, and was also published in the magazine, Restaurant and Hotel Design.