Franklin Hotel
Client: William Walsh, Owner
Site: Deadwood, South Dakota

The Collaborative worked with the owners of the Franklin Hotel to complete a phased renovation of public spaces and guest rooms within this hotel. After a number of years of deferred maintenance, many areas needed to be updated and brought up to code compliance in order to enhance revenue production. Efforts focused on a comprehensive upgrade to the electrical systems, installation of new fire sprinklers, design of fire stairs, miscellaneous upgrades to a kitchen, verandah, and retail and public spaces. A new parking lot was also added for guests over the flume. The firm designed a new gaming hall aptly named Callahan’s, for a driver of the historic Deadwood stagecoach, which interprets the history of this famous stage line. The Collaborative also obtained all of the new furniture, fixtures, equipment, and custom designed the lighting to complement each of the hotel’s spaces. All of which was accomplished while this hotel continued to operate on a daily basis.