Hotel Roberts
Client: Scott & Joanne Mills, Owners
Site: Provo, Utah

The Collaborative, Inc. was retained, along with Montgomery & Associates to provide consulting services to the prospective owners of this historic hotel in downtown Provo, Utah. The prospective owners wanted answers to all of the key questions: Full service restaurant or not? Room and market price levels? Estimated costs of construction for different market profiles of clientele? Market quantities? Marketing techniques? Our firm completed a detailed report, which, answered these questions, and provided suggestions for acquiring any additional information were it needed in the future.
Our firm was once again retained by these same prospective owners upon their purchase of this hotel, to prepare concept plans, develop estimates, and prepare a feasibility analysis study. A critical component in the redevelopment plan for this hotel was to balance the need to meet the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards inherent in receiving Federal Historic Tax Credits, with the need to meet modern codes, respond to market desires, be functionally efficient, and be profitable. The resultant design is attuned to each one of these critical elements.