Preservation Planning and Site Master Plans
The Collaborative has completed many historic preservation planning projects, at the community, regional, and state level. The firm’s services have included gaming impact studies, National Register nominations for districts, design guidelines for historic districts, local historic preservation ordinances, technical assistance to historic preservation commissions, expert witness testimony in courts of law, and evaluation of historic preservation programs. The Collaborative has also completed façade studies and consulted on historic resources for urban re-development projects such as “main street.” Where public projects are involved, citizen participation is a cornerstone of the plan development.
Participatory Planning
Many public planning projects demand the involvement of multiple parties in order to develop truly representative plans that articulate and solve problems, are well founded in broad-based creative thought, and will gain widespread consensus and acceptance for implementation. Clients have benefited from a wide variety of our participatory planning techniques; from the typical to ones custom designed by us:
- Community-wide Questionnaire & Survey
- Map making of their community for school kids: this method reveals “their” landmarks and concepts of relative distance and importance of features
- Intercept Surveys, for Market Studies
- Telephone Surveys
- Participatory Workshops
- Gaming
- Existing Facilities On-Site Observation of Users
- Tracking of people & their associated eye movements; mostly for Museums & urban public spaces
- Interviews
- The “Design Toolbox”; used in Site Master Planning & in detailed programming and layout of spaces.

Participatory Planning Workshop for the Urban Design Guidelines & Master Plan of Deadwood, South Dakota